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Ride For Murdered Women - Sept 4th 2021


Updated: Sep 3, 2021

For the third year in a row I am inviting women to ride with me on the Annual Ride For Murdered Women. This will take place on 4th September 2021 at 1pm.

Last year, due to Covid, women rode individually or in small, socially-distanced groups around the UK and worldwide. I propose that we do the same again this year. Pick your own location, route and riding companions.

The aim of the ride is to honour the lives of women murdered by men as a result of domestic abuse. To date I have ridden for 353 women, brutally stolen from their families and friends, by men who were current or former intimate partners or family members.

I haven't been able to ride as often this year as I haven't been so well. But I will continue to ride for women whenever I am able and it would be amazing if you could join me on 4th September. It means a lot to many of the families left behind and some of them will be riding "alongside" you on the ride. I often feel like the woman I'm riding for is watching somehow, and that she knows how much women care about her and how loved she was. On the 4th September I hope that she knows we remember her and how she died and that we are full of love for her as we honour her life and who she was. It is a very emotional day when we do this.

The "rules" are simple. You must be a woman, over 18 and wearing something red. I would ask that you carry the name of a murdered woman from a list I will place under this blog shortly. Or that you carry all of the women's names if you prefer. We will all set off at 1pm on Saturday 4th September from wherever in the UK we are. Please post pictures of your ride and the woman's name using the hashtag #RideForMurderedWomen on whichever social media you use. The route is up to you including how far you ride. One mile is as good as fifty. It is the act of remembrance that counts. Please try to think of the woman or women as you ride and some of how she was killed if you can bear it. It is a tribute to our fallen sisters and an act of defiance against the men who keep killing women they know.

This is a female-only, adult event. Men, transwomen and children under 18 are not invited to join this ride, the specific aim is that women ride for women because it is women who have been murdered. I hope that this will be respected though it has not been in the past. Women are murdered by men, on average, in a domestic context, once every four days.

As in the past 2 years, all money raised will go to the Nia the women's service providing refuge and advocacy for some of the most vulnerable women in the UK. I choose Nia specifically because they provide a trauma-informed women's service, run by women and for women.

If you would like to donate in honour of the women murdered and to Nia please do it here.....

I am so grateful for any woman who feels she can ride for murdered women. It is an act of love for those women and it is also a political act. Helping other women survive men's violence against them is a feminist act and an act of love of women. This project is devoted to the women who didn't make it out alive and with love and hope for the women who we are determined to save. Thank you to everyone who rides and everyone who donates.

The names of the women we ride for are below. Remember them always.

Ride #1 Katrina O Hara - Stabbed to death by her ex husband outside her place of work as she closed the shop. He had lain in wait for her.

Ride #2 Georgina Symonds - strangled with twine after she "dumped" the man who repeatedly bought her body to use for sex and told her he loved her. Prostitutes lives matter too.

Ride #3 Lisa Jane Lyttle - strangled to death by her husband with a mobile phone cord. He was annoyed afterwards that he lost all his friends.

Ride #4 Andrea Lewis Stamped to death by her husband who then dragged her outside and left her to be found in the street half-naked with 41 different injuries. There was a history of him covering her in bruises.

Ride #5 Guida Rufino - had her throat slashed and was stabbed in the chest 4 times by an ex- partner she had told to leave. He tied up her friend who had come to help her so that she heard her best friend die, screaming and begging for her life.

Ride #6 Elidona Demiraj stabbed to death by her partner - neighbours heard her screaming and a loud thud.

Ride #7 Geraldine Newman - Beaten to death with a hammer whilst her children lay bleeding to death upstairs after her husband stabbed them.

Ride #8 Caroline Andrews - Strangled to death by her husband, who had defrauded her dementia suffering father out of more than £260,000. He then checked into a hotel room with a woman he intended to prostitute after buying knives, Prosecco and condoms. He lied to their 4 children about her death.

Ride #9 Bethany Hill - tortured by two men - one of whom was her ex-partner. They bound a Barbie Doll, supposed to resemble her, with duct tape just as they did her before repeatedly slashing her wrists as neighbours heard her screaming.

Ride #10 - Sheila Jefferson - brutally murdered by her brother-in-law. 17 blunt force injuries to her face and also shot in the face.

Ride #11 - For Kerry Gascoigne who was strangled to death by her partner.

Ride #12 - for Leanne Wall was head-butted and then strangled to death by her ex-partner

Ride #13 - for Maria Byrne whose husband doused her in white spirit and then turned the gas on so she caught alight. She lived for 30 minutes.

Ride #14 - for Rose Hill who was strangled to death by her grandson who also killed her daughter.

Ride #15 - for Julie Hill who was axed in the face, had her teeth punched out and was then drowned in the bath by her nephew who had also murdered her mother.

Ride #16 - For Lisa Reynolds - stabbed 17 times by her boyfriend as she begged him to stop because the knife was blunt as her children watched. She screamed "The knife is blunt! Stop it Baz."

Ride #17 - For Natasha Bradbury who was murdered by her ex who cracked her ribs, her neck, injured her brain and caused heart injuries.

Ride #18 for Julie Archer - doused in petrol and set alight by her brother. She told a nurse he did it just before she died.

Ride #19 For Gemma Stevens - her boyfriend stamped on her head 11 times, stabbed her and then set her house on fire.

Ride #20 for Dawn Green killed by her husband who then hanged himself.

Ride #21 for Carrie Ann Izzard who was fatally stabbed 29 times in the neck by her ex

Ride #22 for Lyndsey Smith – who was stabbed to death in the stomach by her ex who went off out having a nice time as she died after years of abuse.

Ride #23 for Lynn Freeman who was stabbed by her partner who murdered his ex partner, Jodie Betteridge, just minutes later.

Ride #24 for Jodie Betterridge who was stabbed 30 times in the head and 45 times in the torso – a total of 132 times altogether. The blade of the knife of the man’s knife broke off with the ferocity. He stabbed her on her front garden in front of her 3 children, one of whom ran around in the sun screaming and covered in her blood.

Ride #25 for Joanna Trojniak who was stabbed 6 times by a partner she was trying to leave. He than stabbed himself a tiny bit and ran into the street crying as an attempt to escape justice.

Ride #26 for Amina Begum who was killed by her son after “multiple incised wounds” according to the coroner.

Ride #27 for Natasha Sadler who was stabbed through the head and suffered other stab wounds after a man who lived in the same house was unhappy that she turned on a tap and his shower temperature changed.

Ride #28 for Laura Marshall who was murdered by her ex after months of abuse. He left her in a bath of her own blood, raped and covered in bruises.

Ride #29 for Tracy Cockrell whose partner strangled her and then set her on fire.

Ride #30 for Helen Bailey who was targeted during her grief for her dead husband and then manipulated by a new partner who then suffocated her and buried her in a cesspit under the garage – allowing police to search for her body for months. He killed her dog too and buried it alongside her.

Ride #31 for Leigh Ann Mahachi who was stabbed 40 times by her ex in the street outside her house. Her mother heard her screams as she died and came out to try to stop her blood with towels as her ex partner ran away.

Ride #32 for Jean Ryan who was stabbed to death by her husband.

Ride #33 for Nasreen Khan who was a care worker, stabbed to death with her 5 children in the house, because her husband did not like that she visited men as part of her job.

Ride #34 for Fay Daniels who was stabbed 17 times including 4 to her face, 8 to her neck and had 2 broken ribs. Her ex then dumped her in the back yard.

Ride #35 for Xin Xin Lei repeatedly stabbed by her husband.

Ride #36 For Louise O' Brien whose husband strangled her to death then left a heart-shaped chocolate on the pillow next to her dead body.

Ride #37 For Natalie Hemming whose husband found out she was going to leave him and beat her to death. Her 6 year old son crept out of bed and saw his mother during the murder but was frightened he would be told off. Her husband then dumped her body face down in a wood to be found 3 weeks later and took the children to the zoo.

Ride #38 For Iris Owens whose son strangled, kicked and slashed at her with a chainsaw as she hung out washing on the line in her garden.

Ride #39 For Becky Morgan who was on a date with a man who "allowed" her to fall into the sea without raising the alarm or helping as she drowned. He went off to the pub instead.

Ride #40 for Maria Mbombo whose husband stabbed her to death after an internet search for "the most painful place to stab someone".

Ride #41 for Marina Erte beaten severely by her jealous ex who then drowned her by holding a shower attachment to her face.

Ride #42 for Marina Nolan whose ex slashed her throat and strangled her with a TV flex. He put their 2 year old son out into the street to wander then returned with 3 knives and stabbed her to death leaving her to be found by her other son. (Marina was murdered in 2002 but I was asked by her friend to honour her death)

Ride #43 For Sonita Nijhawan whose husband axed her in the head 40 times and also stabbed her 78 times because she wanted a divorce. She took her rings off the day before and he replaced them after she was dead. He was jailed for manslaughter because "depressed" but not too depressed and "out of control" to search "softest part of the human female skull" the day before.

Ride #44 for Dawn Rhodes. Her husband was cleared of murder. I've included her in this list because he slashed her throat. He had been stalking her, checking her phone and Facebook and found she was seeing another man. He had harassed her and her friends via Facebook posts from a fake profile. It is sad that she was the one labeled "unstable" and he walked free.

Ride #45 for Andrena Douglas - police arrived to tell her her partner was injured in a caravan fire- only to find her murdered.

Ride #46 for Karen Hales - bludgeoned to death with a hammer by her daughter's ex-partner. He raped and murdered her daughter Jade at the same time.

Ride #47 for Jade Hales - ex- partner broke in and raped her, murdered her and then also murdered her mother and dog.

Ride #48 for Keziah Flux-Edmunds - aged 6. Killed by her father to torture her mother, his estranged wife. He drowned Keziah and her pet dogs and lay them all on the bed for her mother to find alongside a letter which said " You've taken everything and I will leave you with just memories."

Ride #49 for Helen Fraser - stabbed multiple times by her partner in front of her daughter as neighbours heard her screaming.

Ride #50 for Jean Irwin whose husband hit her with a hammer as she slept and then strangled her.

Ride #51 for Nijole Sventeckiene whose partner slit her throat with a single 5 inch long incision and left her naked crying for help.

Ride #52 for Agnieszka Szymura who was stabbed by her partner 30 times as neighbours watched. There was evidence of past abuse and injuries.

Ride #53 for Sandra Gill. There was clear evidence of past abuse at the hands of her husband and yet a coroner could not be certain that her severe head injury was inflicted by him. He said she may have "fallen off the toilet". Grown women can sit on toilets. And beds. Even when drunk.

Ride #54 for Sarah Nash who was strangled by her ex-partner who was allowed to walk free just months before to attend a "relationship course".

Ride #55 was for Jules Parkin who was killed this year. It was so shocking to know that her class would be going into school to hear that their teacher had been murdered. I included her at the request of a friend but will also ride for her again.

Ride #56 Alison Muncaster shot by her husband as she sat on the sofa.

Ride #57 for Emma Baum whose ex-partner battered her to death with a crowbar and then urged her mother to come and "find her" with him.

Ride #58 for Claire Hart shot by her husband days after she left him. He left a note "revenge is a dish best served cold" he also shot her daughter alongside her after lying in wait for them. He reloaded his gun between rounds.

Ride #59 for Charlotte Hart whose father shot her alongside her mum because her mum had left him days before. His note also said "Karma is a bitch". Charlotte's last words were "It was my dad who shot me". Brave to the last.

Ride #60 for Tracey Gabriel who was stabbed repeatedly by a male "friend" who also stabbed another friend of hers.

Ride #61 for Samia Shahid whose ex-husband raped her and strangled her as he disapproved of her second marriage. Her father assisted him.

Ride #62 for Nicola Haworth suffocated by her ex-partner who left her 9 month old baby screaming in the house beside her body.

Ride #63 for Lenuta Iona Haidemac - prostituted by her partner to another man who raped and murdered her. He strangled her, stabbed her twice, punctured her nipples and wrote a name on her body.

Ride #64 for Margaret Mayer whose husband bludgeoned her to death with a lamp.

Ride #65 for Hannah Pearson whose partner strangled her to death after watching porn. She did not consent to the porn-influenced "sex" either the judge found.

Ride #66 for Gergana Prodanova murdered by her ex-partner who was furious that she refused to go back to him and was beginning a new relationship. He put her naked body in a suitcase and dragged it through the town centre before dumping her to decompose beside a railway line. She had endured years of abuse.

Ride #67 for Lynne Braund who had a deep fear of fires. Her 18 month old daughter had died in a house fire in 1990 and she still suffered the trauma of that when her ex-partner squirted her with lighter fluid and set her on fire. Then left as she burned.

Ride #68 for Donna Williamson whose boyfriend accused her of sleeping with other men so he stabbed her in the heart and lung. She had tried to call the police and he could be heard screaming "You are dying. You are dying mate. Your life is slipping away from you. What you done to me you c*nt, you f*cking deserve it."

Ride #69 for Xixi Bi beaten to death by her partner. She had 41 injuries including a broken jaw and ribs. Paramedics found her body so bruised they thought it was a result of her being dead for days not hours.

Ride #70 for Jean Constant asphyxiated with a plastic bag by her husband .

Ride #71 for Karen Arnold was murdered by her husband who stabbed her multiple times.

Ride #72 for Alison Jane Farr-Davies beaten to death by her boyfriend and thrown downstairs naked. Her body was hit with such force that there was a penetrating cardia injury - similar injuries are only seen in war as a result of shrapnel, grenades, mortar bombs and explosions.

Ride #73 for Hayley Dean whose partner bludgeoned her to death with a lump hammer and then slept next to her body. He put her head under the pillow. When she was found she had a cigarette in her mouth and a lighter in the other hand.

Ride #74 for Elizabeth Bowe whose brother murdered her because she was going to accuse him of rape. She was found with a dressing gown around her neck and naked from the waist down as he sat close by smoking a cigarette.

Ride #75 for Melinda Korosi whose ex-partner raped her 3 times before gouging a hole in her neck with a sharpened rock. Police deemed her high risk after she had recently accused him of rape.

Ride #76 for Nasreem Buksh whose estranged husband bashed her skull in as she slept. The children reported that he never spoke to her and hadn't for years.

Ride #77 for Natasha Wake whose partner stabbed her 11 times with an 8 inch knife. He stabbed her with such force that 6 of the wounds went through her torso and out of her back. He then wrapped her in a duvet and put her under the stairs telling her daughter that the blood on the walls was ketchup. He was unhappy that she had found out he was being investigated for sexual assault.

Ride #78 for Jaqueline Pattenden whose partner stabbed her to death through her chest in his home.

Ride #79 for Mandy Gallear whose husband stabbed her as she unloaded the dishwasher because she had told him she was leaving him

Ride #80 for Vicky Bance whose husband saw her talking to another man so he stabbed her 23 times with a commando knife. She had 16 stab wounds to her chest, 14 deeply penetrating her heart and both lungs and any one of them could have been fatal with the maximum depth of one wound being 20cm.

Ride #81 for Sophie Smith whose boyfriend beat her for 4 hours breaking 11 of her ribs, her eye socket and her nose.

Ride #82 for Alice Ruggles who was stalked increasingly and relentlessly before eventually being stabbed to death by an ex partner who had already terrorised and abused her. She felt "palmed off" by police. He eventually broke in to her home and slashed her throat from ear to ear. He stabbed her at least 6 times. Even as he waited to murder her he was on his phone arranging a Tinder date for afterwards.

Ride #83 for Lucy Jones murdered by ex partner in a sustained and brutal attack with a total of 90 separate injuries.

Ride #84 for Belen Tripp whose husband stabbed her 24 times with some of those wounds 14cm deep and damaging her shoulder blades with the ferocity.

Ride #85 for Deeqa Ibrahim who kindly visited her ill husband before he returned to Somalia. He grabbed her and locked them both in the bathroom where he began stabbing her to death.

Ride #86 for Rebecca Johnson stabbed to death by her boyfriend who escaped and pretended to be suffering from hypothermia.

Ride #87 for Linda Ordinans was found murdered after her husband called police to report her murder shortly before killing himself.

Ride #88 for Andraya Webb told her boyfriend on a night out that their relationship was over after he had been violent towards her too many times. She assured friends it would be ok for her to go home even after he had become aggressive. Her ex returned and broke into her home. He hit her with an iron. He stamped on her face so hard he left a boot mark. He poured paint down her throat and put gas canisters between her thighs before setting her on fire. She had 45 different injuries and was breathing when she was set alight. He said "Some of us have angels and some of us have demons. Tonight the demons won."

Ride #89 for Umida Eshboboeva strangled to death by her husband just before Christmas. Always an enhanced period of risk for victims.

Ride #90 for Angela Best was murdered by a man at his home. Few other details are available.

Ride #91 for Claire Paton was beaten to death by her ex-partner - the excuse offered was that he had tinnitus. He also attacked her son with a nail gun after throttling her. No excuse is acceptable for killing a woman. Not even poorly ears.

Ride #92 for Hayley Wall who was lured into a "relationship" with her abusive uncle. He then murdered her because she refused to sexually touch him in public in front of her friends. He smashed her skull in with a television.

Ride #93 for Nicola Woodman murdered on Christmas Day 2016 by her partner who stabbed her in the chest. He also battered her with a pickaxe handle. A judge told him "You are not ill. You are wicked."

Ride #94 for Tracy McPartland beaten to death over a 2 day period by her son who had history of abusing her. She had a total of 29 separate injuries. The judge said "she simply took the beating and did not seek help". No woman expects the child they give birth to will one day beat the life from them. It is the ultimate betrayal.

Ride #95 for Nicola Beck husband murdered her with a massive head wound + 10 other scalp wounds over money/divorce

Ride #96 for Kerri McCauley beaten to death by ex who broke her phone so she couldn’t call help +her mother to find

Ride #97 for Victoria Shorrock - killed with cut to back of Head +significant bruises - partner jailed for “assault"

Ride #98 for Kulwinder Kaur stabbed 3 times in the neck until dead by jealous ex-husband - murder is dark + cold

Ride #99 for Kiran Daudia whose ex husband murdered her, stuffed her in a suitcase and left her in an alleyway

Ride #100 for Amandeep Kaur whose partner feared she would leave him so he slashed her neck before she was able to.

Ride#101 for Anita Downey whose partner slit her throat in front of his own son who then had to call 999.

Ride #102 for Chrissy Kendall - strangled to death by controlling ex partner who left her body for her son to find

Ride #103 for Gillian Zvomuya husband struck her 40 times in her car inc with axe. Then drove body to Lidl car park

Ride #104 for Anne Forneaux who was murdered by her husband who battered her around the head with a hammer and stabbed her in the neck.

Ride #105 for Tina Billingham stabbed through heart +liver with sword stick by partner who dumped her body in GP’s

Ride #106 for Hannah Dorans whose ex partner allegedly raped her and then strangled her. He also sent messages to her parents via Facebook causing them distress. He had behaved in an abusive and threatening way towards her before the alleged murder.

Ride #107 for Catherine Kelly - murdered by her son who doused her in petrol and set her on fire

Ride #108 for Karina Batista-partner stabbed her through the eye, cut her throat, stabbed her in the heart+lungs

Ride #109 in fog again for Humara Khan - husband bludgeoned her to death with a hammer for not making him a meal. I hope every meal from now on tastes like death. I hope he vomits often. I hope he dies hungry

Ride #110 for Hazel Wilson-Briant stabbed to death by partner in front of kids screaming for someone to call 999.

Ride #111 for Margaret Stenning stabbed to death by her husband in Spain where they had retired. Abusive men often isolate their victims by moving them to a home away from family and friends.

Ride #112 for Avis Addison suffocated by her husband who refused all help for her during her descent into dementia

Ride #113 for Beverley Hudson - stabbed by ex partner 22 times. He broke 2 knives and stabbed her daughter 5 times

Ride #114 for Sarah Pitkin. Husband stabbed her in the neck multiple times - after previous abuse suspected

Ride #115 for Justene Reece who killed herself as a result of an ex’s obsessive stalking and coercive control

Ride #116 today for Anne-Marie James stabbed in the chest until dead by her brother who also stabbed their mum

Ride #117 for Sabrina Mullings whose partner stabbed her through the heart and liver after asking her to marry him

Ride #118 for Vikki Hull strangled to death by father of her child in her father’s home.

Ride #119 for Kanwal Bernice also as I miscounted. It is unclear exactly how she was murdered as her husband had placed her in a storage room wrapped in cloth with a bin liner over her feet. She had been there up to 14 days when found.

Ride #120 for Carolyn Hill - punched in face by boyfriend resulting in brain haemorrhage - he got drunk +bragged

Ride #121 for Katrina Evemy stabbed +bitten to death by jealous boyfriend who left her toddler covered in her blood

Ride #122 for Megan Bills. New “boyfriend” strangled her acting out a snuff fantasy then wrapped her in cling film

Ride#123 for Karolina Chwiluk -

Ex-Boyfriend stabbed her 26 times in the face +neck cos she was dating a friend

Extra Ride #124 for Tara Newbold whose partner was, unfathomably, disgustingly, not charged with murder. Her family seek justice.

Ride #125 for Jane Sherratt beaten to death with a training weight by husband - she lived 17 weeks before dying

Ride #126 for Tracy Kearns-husband inflicted 40 separate injuries, strangled, smothered and dumped her in a trailer

Ride #127 For Megan Bannister

Extra ride #33 for unnamed woman bullied to take her own life by vile rapist. She cannot be named as her anonymity is protected so I called her Ms Sheffield as that is where she was killed.

Ride #128 for Sinead Wooding- Was stabbed multiple times and hit repeatedly with a hammer by her husband. He then attempted to burn her body before dumping it in a wood to be found. He had been harassing another woman just days before and was a serial abuser.

Ride #129 for Concepta Leonard stabbed to death by partner who also stabbed her son. She had a non-mol order

Ride #130 for Gemma Leeming whose partner strangled her to death and wrote “no brain” on her face in mascara. He desecrated her body+wrote on her in her own blood so that it would look like he was having a psychotic episode

Ride #131 for Emma Day. Ex partner stabbed her repeatedly over child maintenance as she took her kids to school.

Ride #132 for Sobhia Khan murdered by partner of just a few weeks - he had previously set a woman on fire in 2010

Ride #133 for Arena Saeed and her children. Husband suffocated her and drowned her 2 children

Ride #134 for domestic violence worker Alyson Watt stabbed in neck repeatedly by ex - he also attacked her son

Ride #135 for Sarah Jeffery -was planning to leave husband when he choked her+strangled with hair straightener cord

Ride #136 for Jean Chapman. Husband battered her over the head with a vase made by her son. Then strangled her.

Ride #137 for Molly McLaren who ended a relationship-always the most dangerous time for women with abusive men.

Ride #138 for Vera Savage - aged 89 was found stabbed to death and her son found alongside her. Police said she was murdered but he was not. They weren't looking for anyone else. Why on Earth can they not just admit when men murder women? It is not unusual on these lists to find sons are the murderers and it is the ultimate betrayal.

Ride #139 for Celine Dookhran uncle slit her throat after kidnapping and raping her.

Ride #140 for Olivia Kray whose father strangled her and then went to kill her mother -but failed.

Ride #141 for Betty Jordan - murdered by her estranged husband who drove to her home and stabbed her to death because he thought she was having an affair. Reports focus on the fact that he was wrong. Firstly, a woman who is not in a current relationship cannot be "unfaithful" to a man she has split from. Secondly - infidelity is still not a reason to murder a woman. Men do not own women.

Ride #142 for Leanne Collopy whose ex stabbed her to death +set her house in fire with her 2 yr old daughter inside

Ride #143 for Rikki Lander - husband read a text and was jealous so beat her round the head and strangled her. He then hanged himself leaving their 3 kids in the house

Extra Ride #144 at the request of friends of Shabnam Bhardwaj who was murdered a few days ago in Himachal Pradesh in ‪#India by her husband who it is alleged hung her body to look like suicide. The police initially didn’t act

Ride #145 for Hannah Cohen - Murdered by her brother who suspected he had been cut out of the family will and business. Men cannot murder women who don't do what they want even if they are family.

Ride #146 for Leah Cohen whose son allegedly stabbed her to death because annoyed about a family will. He also allegedly murdered his sister.

Ride #147 for Beryl Hammond murdered by her son after many violent assaults reported and sadly retracted. He broke 10 ribs and left her to decompose - the pain of love she must have felt for a son who finally killed her.

Ride #148 for Asiyah Harris. Her ex-partner stabbed her 3 times in the neck finally severing an artery. He had arranged for her 2 children to be out of the house.

Ride #149 for Jessica King. Jealous ex partner strangled her to death with her children in the house. He told her “if I can’t have you no one can!” Many women will recognise this phrase. Other women. Fear it.

Extra Ride #150 for Rachel Slack at the request of her friend ‪@Becky_Slack - she was stabbed 32 times in the chest and back by her ex along with her son Auden after significant police failuresHe also asked her “What do you think I’m going to do?” And she replied “I know what you’re going to do. You’re going to kill me.” We always suspect they might. Long after we are free. Every time you see them or hear their voice. A lifetime of fear.

Ride #151 for Linda Parker stabbed 12 times by an ex partner who had stalked her relentlessly after she ended a coercive relationship that had kept her from friends and family. She had a restraining order

Ride #152 for Nasima Noorzia whose husband stabbed her more than 20 times in the neck before putting her body in bin bags and dumping her in woodland because she wanted to end the marriage

Ride #153 for Katherine Smith who was stabbed 33 times in the heart, neck + chest by an obsessive partner she met online who lied about his name and forced her to have a tattoo of those initials and stalked her movements relentlessly.

Ride #154 for Leanne Mckie a detective constable in the serious sexual offences unit strangled by her police officer husband and dumped in a lake as he callously tried to cover up crime including sending “loving” texts to her phone post-murdering her

Ride #155 for Jane Sergeant smothered with a duvet by her husband who took her from a care home where she was being cared for alleging “compassion”. Men don’t get to decide to kill women for ANY reason.

Extra Ride #156 for Shaeen Akhtar - husband stabbed her to death in front of her children after she asked him to leave due to his drinking and gambling. She couldn’t push him out of the door in time to stop him. He’d stored a combat knife in his trousers

Extra ride #157 for Barbara Francis whose husband murdered her in 1995 and then committed suicide. As these cowards often do. She was according to her friend ‪@Janerthered a wonderful Jamaican woman who was hoping to return there one day and open a cafe

Ride #158 for Moira Gilbertson stabbed to death allegedly by her ex who hid her body and carried on texting her friends as though she was still alive

Ride #159 for Sophie Louise Brook strangled with electrical flex in 2015 by her husband who then wrapped her body in plastic and hid it in communal bins. This was an extra ride at the request of her friend who I met in Truro on Saturday. Her friend asked me not to use her married name and could not control her tears as she spoke of her love for Sophie. She shook as she told me. The devastation of losing a friend in this way will never leave her. I’ll never forget hugging that poor woman

Ride #160 - for Anne O' Neill. Battered to death around the head by her son in the garden as neighbours heard him shout "I will find you". The priest at her funeral said it was a "double tragedy" though only she was dead. The priest said "we've made bad choices or made mistakes, or sometimes we are victims of circumstance, life seems to have thrown us a raw deal".... and yet only the woman is dead. She didn't get to make poor choices. She was murdered.

Ride #161 for Elizabeth Merriman estranged from her husband who stabbed her many times with a samurai sword when he found she had begun a new relationship.

Ride #162 for Janet Northmore strangled to death by her son in his home. He never stood trial because he killed himself in jail. Always after the poor woman ...not first.

Ride #163 for Jillian Howell- murdered by a colleague she invited to dinner who had developed an obsession with her. She rejected him so he stabbed her 15 times. He wrote "bully" on her forehead and posted a cartoon on Facebook afterwards which read "stand up to bullies and then kill them". She was not a bully. He is a murderer.

Ride #164 for Mary Steel stabbed a number of times by her own son. There are a number of women killed by their sons that I have ridden for. Women raise men and they kill them as reward. The ultimate betrayal.

Ride #165 for Simone Grainger whose husband hit her with a saucepan and then strangled her to death. He hid her body in a rug so her daughter didn’t see her. She described her marriage as “worst mistake of my life” poor woman. She wasn’t to blame

Extra ride #167 for Deborah Ruse at the request of her friend. Her jealous husband hacked her to death repeatedly with an axe including her face, head and neck. He carried on while she was on the floor bleeding and dying

Ride #168 for Patricia McIntosh whose ex-husband smashed her in the face with a saucepan and then repeatedly kicked her until she was dead because she wouldn’t sell her home.

Ride #169 for Lisa Chadderton whose partner strangled her and punched her before stabbing her 5 times in the neck and once in the eye in a jealous rage.

Ride #170 for Monika Lasek - after years of violence and coercion -husband stabbed her repeatedly including as she crawled along the floor trying to escape the attack. The police had been called just the week before.

Ride #171 for Ruby Wilson. Her grandson brought many knives to kill her in her care home. She was 94 when he slit her throat at both sides. Terror and betrayal are still felt by elderly women with dementia. Murder isn’t merciful.

Ride #172 for Susan Westwood whose son stabbed her multiple times because she complained that her tea was too milky. Her family said she loved him very much.

Ride #173 for Janine Bowater strangled to death by her ex-partner who then raped her while she was unconscious

Ride #174 for Jodie Willsher. Her mother’s ex-partner stabbed her repeatedly in the chest and stomach as revenge because her mum had ended the relationship with him

Ride #175 for Beverley Bliss punched repeatedly then stabbed to death by her son who left the knife in her throat afterwards as he sat drinking tea at her kitchen table - excused made for him. There are no excuses for murdering women

Ride #176 for Jayne Reat stabbed to death by her partner’s son as she prevented her own daughter from being murdered by him too as she shielded her. This is what mothers do. We die for our children. Women are mighty

Ride #177 for Pauline Cockburn who was stabbed to death by her violent partner. He had previously had guns removed by police. But he found a way. They should have removed him.

Ride #178 for Anne Searle strangled to death by her husband after posting on her Facebook that she hoped to be around in 2018 but “we will see”. Despite what has been said at trial she knew her life was at risk because she lived with a murderer.

Ride #179 for Melanie Clark murdered by her husband who stabbed her because of her love for another woman. He felt she was laughing at him. It is not an excuse to murder a woman because she ridicules your penis.

Ride #180 for Julie Owens. Another woman murdered by her son. It was the ultimate betrayal as he punched her to death. Not for the 1st time. He called it a “slap”. He initially blamed her partner who’d hit her weeks before. Poor woman beaten and betrayed

Ride #181 for Elizabeta Lacatusu whose former partner waited outside her home before stabbing her for 30 seconds in the neck and torso before calmly walking away. She had rejected his attempts to get her back after she ended the relationship

Ride #182 for Terrie-Ann Jones stabbed 26 times by her repeatedly violent controlling boyfriend who had threatened to blow up her family and kill her. He said he didn’t mean it to police. He meant it.

Ride #183 for Claire Taverner whose jealous, controlling estranged husband stabbed her 10 times and left her bleeding for her two boys aged 3 and 6 to find. They sat with her body for an hour before calling police. Poor babes.

Ride #184 for Geraldine Mellor whose boyfriend strangled her to death after a row about her wanting to purchase things in a shop he didn’t sanction. He left her lying in boxes. Abusers control even what women buy. A warning sign.

Ride #185 for Amelia Blake who was bludgeoned to death while backpacking by a boyfriend she met on her travels who did not like her freedom to roam and potential to leave him

Ride #186 for Cassie Hayes. Still so fresh in our memories. Her girlfriend’s ex partner slit her throat in her workplace in lesbophobic vengeance. This is still domestic violence as he intended to leave his ex traumatised forever.

Ride #187 for Claire Harris whose ex partner claimed at his trial that she fell. She was strangled with 86 injuries and half of them to her head and face. Never believe what an abuser tells you about how he didn’t mean to hurt you. He means it every time.

Ride #188 for Cheryl Gabriel-Hooper who was shot in the neck outside her home after reporting a number of incidents of domestic violence to police. A man of the same age as her ex husband is still under investigation after also suffering gunshot wounds.

Ride #189 for Janet Scott who was stabbed by a former partner who then drive her away in his car. She escaped and he then drove his car at her and the policeman she ran to for help. Abusers are very determined men.

Ride #190 for Paula Harris whose partner strangled her with his bare hands and then pretended he had defended himself - taking money from her account and telling builders she was “sleeping”. Abusive men lie. All the time. Listen for that.

Ride #191 for Ruksana Begum stabbed by her son-in-law as she helped her daughter escape her arranged marriage to him - a violent abuser - so that she could be with the man she loved. He stabbed her through the heart and in the body 3 times.

Ride #192 for Saeeda Hussein found with serious head injuries. Her husband is charged with her murder.

-Ride #193 Danielle Richardson who was stabbed 15 times by her boyfriend who then jumped from a window. And lived. (I only rode 12 and a half miles as I was pretty tired out and nausea kicked in - but I did think of her.

Ride #194 for Sarbjit Kaur. She was murdered by asphyxiation and her husband stands trial next month.

Ride #195 for Jill Sadler whose husband got drunk and strangled her to death but was only convicted of manslaughter because the jury believed his story that she was “nasty” to him. Women who aren’t “nice” to men still don’t deserve to be killed.

Ride #196 for Lynn McNally who was murdered by her partner who stabbed her multiple times and left her body with the knife sticking in her.

Ride #197 for Laura Huteson who was brutally stabbed to death - allegedly by a man she met a few hours before and went home with. Women who have sex with men are not responsible when those men take out a knife suddenly and stab them media suggested

Ride #198 for Anne James aged 74 stabbed 30 times in the back and chest by her own grandson who finally slit her throat.

Ride #199 4 Laura Figueira De Farida who was stabbed multiple times by her husband who then drove her two sons to a cliff & threw them off. He also went off the cliff. But I care nothing for him. Or any man who kills a woman and her children.

Ride #200 for Fiona Scourfield whose stepson murdered her with an axe and a samurai sword. The excuse was that he was obsessed with violent images online. Women see those images too and manage not to murder men we live with.

Ride #201 for Jennifer Rodgers who was murdered by her estranged and homeless ex husband. The CPS accepted a manslaughter guilty plea on the grounds of diminished responsibility. He *diminished* her life. The CPS should reject the paltry excuses of men

Ride #202 for Michelle Savage who left her husband -a violent abuser - and subsequently rejected his attempts to “reconcile”. He shot her 6 times along with her mother. He had bombarded her with texts, slashed her tyres etc etc

Ride 203 for Heather Whitbread shot 6 times execution style alongside her daughter Michelle Savage by her daughter’s ex-partner. He had been terrorising her - posting revenge porn and demanding sex and was known to the police

Ride #204 for Diane Jones whose son hit her repeatedly over the head with a claw hammer and she died later in hospital. When mental ill-Health is used to excuse murdering women we ask “why do these men only kill the women close to them and no one else?”

Ride #205 for Jenny Cronin .... her daughter’s ex-husband set her on fire after storming her house with a machete. Men who abuse women sometimes also abuse and kill their families. There are no boundaries to their hatred of a woman.

Ride #206 for Leyla Mtumwa whose husband stabbed her 49 times in the head, face, arms and neck in a jealous rage after she saw her female friends for a night out. He did this in front of her 12 yr old son who pleaded with him to stop before calling police

Ride #207 for Tracy Stonehouse. Her estranged husband strangled her, stabbed her six times and beat her repeatedly around the head. He had said he would kill her when she left him. Men often say this. Sometimes they do. Take those men seriously.

Ride #208 for Lesley Potter whose husband strangled her and then hung her to make it look like suicide. He only confessed shortly before her funeral and her death wasn’t initially seen as suspicious by police.

Ride #209 for Alexis Flynn murdered by her ex partner who had an order preventing contact due to prior violent attacks on her. He breached bail and stabbed her 11 times. He was found calmly smoking a cigarette and drinking a can of beer.

Ride #210 for Victorija Sokolova ... just 14 years old who was raped by her male “friend” after he arranged to meet her on FB messenger. He then smashed her skull in with a hammer leaving 21 injuries to her skull and spine.

Ride #211 for Margaret Howlett stabbed to death by her new husband who was annoyed not to be on her mortgage as he had escalating gambling debts. He had already dwindled her savings away. He stabbed her multiple times in the neck.

Ride #212 for Maryna Kavaliauskas ... she was found in her home next to a dead man and though police said it was murder ... they weren’t seeking anyone else. Press more concerned with ex husband cocaine dealer as though his crimes excuse her murder

“Ride #213 for Angela Craddock whose “violent drunk” ex beat and kicked her to death just 7 days after being released from jail for attacking her before. She had to be identified by her fingerprints.

Ride #214 for Samantha Clarke who was stabbed to death in her home. Her nephew arrested. The press were more focused on how much her house cost. Women who have big houses are still stabbed for being women. Not for the value of the walls they live within.

Ride #215 for Jennifer Morgan whose partner waited for her outside her house and stabbed her to death. Her 11 year old daughter found her in a pool of blood when she returned home from school. That poor poor little girl. Lives are shattered by men.

Ride #216 for Hollie Kerrell whose had recently ended a marriage to her murderer who took revenge hitting her with a hammer and strangling her with her children in the house. Don’t ever ask “why doesn’t she leave” ...the answer lies alongside her body.

Ride #217 for Elizabeth Lacey stabbed to death by her son who was subsequently detained under mental health act. Imagine her extreme emotional pain - coping with an ill son who then came to stab her.

Ride #218 for Fiona Fisher murdered by her son with a single stab wound to the chest. He had addiction and mental health problems. But... these men still always find the women who love them to kill. Not random strangers

Ride #219 for Faye Calliman whose husband filmed himself standing over her as she cowered beneath begging for her life before he stabbed her 12 times breaking his knife blade off in her back.

Ride #220 for Jessica Patel. Jessica endured years of control before her husband put a bag over her head and suffocated her. she had expressed concerns for a long time

Ride #221 for Onees Khatoon strangled with electrical cable by her son because she asked him to leave her home. Men who murder women do not like women to establish boundaries

Ride #222 for Bernadette Green murdered by her son who smothered her after deliberately neglecting her. She weighed 5 stone down from 12 stone. She most likely spent her last months begging for food. That makes my heart ache

Ride #223 for Sophie Cavanagh whose estranged husband strangled her because she refused to sleep with him even though he offered her £100. Men who can’t own women, or buy them, might kill them.

Ride #224 for Angela Conoby who lived with a man for 30 years before he stabbed her in chest +neck and left her covered and decomposing for 2 weeks in a corner of the room. How many years of terror? All that life lost...unlikely to be “out of the blue”.

Ride #225 for Keely McGrath who was murdered just before Christmas. She leaves behind her 5 children and heartbroken mum

Ride #226 for Laura Mortimer whose ex partner stabbed her 18 times because angry she had asked him to leave. He also stabbed her daughter Ella and left them lying alongside each other. He had attacked her the previous Christmas and had a violent past.

Ride #227 for Ella Mortimer age 11 stabbed 24 times in the face and neck by her step father as she came to help her mother Laura who was also stabbed to death. They lay side by side together in pools of blood when found.

Ride #228 for Denise Rosser whose partner beat her so viciously she had 28 rib fractures, a punctured lung, fractured skull and torn kidney and it was said “only consistent with a single impact like a car crash” Some men are like a car crash for women..

Ride #229 for Joanne Bishop stabbed 28 times with a screwdriver in her chest and back. She lived for 4 days after the attack. He showed “no remorse”.

Ride #230 for Lamduan Seekanya. Murdered in 2004 but body only just identified. She was left in a remote area of pen-y-ghent. Police need help to find her killer. She was not a “Thai Bride”. She was a woman.

Ride #231 for Andra Hilitanu murdered by her boyfriend who stabbed her 40 times with scissors also killing her unborn child. All her injuries “survivable” but he didn’t call for help. She died in agony.

Ride #232 for Marie Gibson. Her partner beat her with a baseball bat and stabbed her in the neck with a shard of glass. She died of brain and severe facial injuries. He said she “goaded him”. Women are not to blame for men killing them.

Ride #233 for Gita Suri stabbed to death - her partner and flatmate accused of stabbing her repeatedly and dousing her in lighter fuel because annoyed she left the back door open and didn’t flush the toilet.

Ride #234 for Klarissa-Charlene Faith whose ex-partner trusted him enough to continue to live in the same house. He took her on an errand then brought her home and strangled her to death. Abusers are always potential murderers.

Ride #235 for Samantha Toms whose ex partner smothered her to death and then called his family to tell them and ask them to come and help him “remove” her dead body.

Ride #236 for Lorna Myers stabbed to death by her son who also attempted to murder her other son. He was “paranoid”. He also had a a previous conviction for battering a partner. Forget paranoia. That’s woman hating.

Ride #237 for Patricia Franks. Her husband killed her with a scaffolding pole then smothered her because she had dementia and he couldn’t cope. Men never have the right to make those decisions to kill women out of “mercy”

Ride #238 for Katerina Makunova who was so scared of her partner she took a knife in her bag but when he pushed her and she fell -it was on the knife in her bag and so he killed her. Police had been called to him 6 times before. He got 2 yrs and 3 months

Ride #239 for Sheila Thomas who left her husband who then stabbed her in the head and neck and bludgeoned her head with a stick until it broke. She had left him for a man she had known since 1975 and could have been - and deserved to be - happy.

Ride #240 for Samantha Eastwood whose vile boyfriend suffocated her and then bound her mouth and eyes with tape before laying out her wedding dress and engagement ring on the bed to fool police

Ride #241 for Karen Peter whose husband strangled her and then set fire to the house while her 3 children were asleep. Once alight he refused to let anyone into the bedroom where she was locked and told firefighters she had gone out

Ride #242 for Kelly Franklin who ended an abusive 12 year relationship with her abuser. He then used another woman to find her and stab her more than 30 times when he found her in the street.

Ride #243 for Katherine Kemp found in a pool of blood with over 20 knife wounds. Her husband - who had previously exploited prostitutes - subsequently jumped out of the window and killed himself. He should have done this first.

Ride #244 for Tracey Evans. Her partner cut her throat from ear to ear 4 times almost severing her tongue. A judge said she “suffered dreadfully”. He blamed his diabetes. I blame him. Just him.

Ride #245 for Marie Walker whose partner strangled her to death after months of jealous accusations about a co-worker. He found no proof. But killed her anyway. Women are not obliged to be faithful to men who abuse them. It is not an excuse to kill.

Ride #246 for Simonne Kerr whose partner killed her by stabbing her in the throat. She was a talented singer and a campaigner to raise awareness of sickle cell disease. She lost her son aged 6 to the disease.

Ride #247 for Barbara Davison whose partner smothered her to death. He had previously been convicted of *manslaughter* for strangling a previous girlfriend in 1995. This is why courts shouldn’t give abusive, murderers the benefit of the doubt.

Extra Ride#248 for Ellie Gould who it is suspected was murdered. I rode to honour her short life and acknowledge the future she lost. My sincere sympathy for her poor poor family and friends.

Ride #249 for Kaltoun Saleh died after 6 weeks in a Burns unit. Her husband was accused of setting her on fire. His clothes had white spirit on them. Argument heard by neighbours. She screamed for water. He walked free. So I rode for her.

Ride #250 for Sharon Perett Who was murdered with a number of blunt force trauma injuries to her head, chest and neck. Police referred themselves to complaints. Her partner denies murder.

Ride #251 for Raneem Oudeh whose ex partner stabbed her mother first while holding onto Raneem’s ankle and dragging her. They both died of multiple stab wounds after he hunted them all day. They called police 5 times in 2 hours. To no avail.

Ride #252 for Khaola Saleem. Murdered by her daughter’s ex partner who had hunted them all day while they desperately tried to get police to help them. He stabbed them both multiple times.

Ride #253 for Celia Levitt murdered by her son who strangled her and smothered her. He was detained under mental health act. So many “moments of madness” men only kill women. Never their male co worker or brother or the bloke in the shop

Ride #254 for Kylie Dembrey stabbed to death inc 3 times in the jugular +her heart and also strangled by her partner who claims it wasn’t murder because “mental illness”. “Mentally ill” men kill women who love them a lot rather than the man in the street

Ride #255 for Susan Gyde murdered in her home. Police arrived too late after reports of a serious assault. Her husband will go on trial 24th June. The police need to up their game. This is the second ride in a couple of weeks where they were too late

Ride #256 for Kay Richardson whose husband killed her before killing himself. They had parted 2 weeks before and he asked on Facebook if she was still wearing “his” ring. You don’t own women with a ring +cant kill them cos they take it off

Ride #257 for Cristina (Kyky) Magda-Calancea who was stabbed by her former partner multiple times in the neck and torso. Her family said she was “extremely happy ... had a specific laugh”. They will never hear that laugh again.

Ride #258 for Frances Hubbard. Aged 81. Stabbed multiple times by her husband. He had to be shot with rubber bullets to be arrested so violent was his attack. These murderous men are never too old to kill +the women with them never old enough to be safe

Ride #259 for Sandra Zmijan. A man has been charged with murder after she travelled to his home and was found dead in his back garden. She had been reported missing. He allegedly battered her to death with a hammer

Ride #260 for Jeanna Maher her husband is accused of murdering her by tying her hands and feet together before hitting her with a mallet - he’s also accused of repeatedly abusing her since 2012

Ride #261 for Avan Najmadeen who refuses to sign her ex husband’s immigration papers so he stabbed her to death and doused her body in white spirit leaving her 4 children without their mother.

Ride #261 for Natalie Saunders who was subjected to hours of a brutal attack by her boyfriend with 85 separate blows and 50 injuries to every part of her body. He then strangled her. She was 33 years old. She had come to see “violence as the norm”

Ride #262 for Sarah Wellgreen whose ex partner has been arrested and charged with her murder. Her body has not been found. Her family must live in agony.

Ride #263 for Nazia Ali today. Her story is horrific. Her ex husband bought ropes, knives, hammer and screwdriver especially to kill her. He used them to tie her up and beat and stab her to death while her children slept then calmly called police

Ride #264 for Teresa Garner whose husband hit her with a hammer until she was dead including 16 head wounds. He had been violent to 3 other ex partners including putting a cigarette out in one woman’s face

Ride #265 for Lynn Forde killed by her boyfriend who then killed himself. He had strangled her then killed himself after ringing police to confess. So many of these abusers do this. Always kill the woman first just to be sure she doesn’t live happily

Ride #266 for Mavis Bran. She was 69 and ran a chip shop. Her husband is charged with her murder. She died of extensive burns. In the chip shop. The pain of what happened to her is unthinkable.

Ride #267 for Sheena Jackson. Her husband found “ill” alongside her but he later died. Police say she was murdered but were not looking for anyone else. Yet another man *probably* murdering a woman +not having to pay for it because cowardice saved him

Ride #268 for Ann Marie Pomfret who was pronounced dead at her stables. She loved horse riding. She had serious head injuries. Her husband has been charged with her murder and awaits trial.

Ride #269 for Natalie Smith who wanted to leave her partner. She was staying at a friends and went home to collect things. He came home and stabbed her to death. Then stabbed himself. Her children were outside in the car with her friend

Ride #270 for Tanseen Sheikh who was murdered and had “multiple injuries”. Her husband has been arrested.

Ride #272 for Maureen Watkins stabbed multiple times. Her son - who lived in her home for the last 30 years - has been charged. Imagine. Loving a child; caring for them - only for them to stab you to death. The pain of her last moments. The betrayal.

Ride #273 for Jacqueline Allen who was murdered in an arson attack just hours after reporting her daughter’s ex partner to the police for threats made against her daughter. Man believed to be the same has been arrested and charged with murder.

Ride #274 for Samantha Gosney whose manipulative, abusive boyfriend stabbed her 21 times - some of the wounds so deep they hit the bones of her spine. She had attended a funeral looking “nice” and he objected.

Ride #275 for Kelly Worgan whose husband strangled her with a ligature. He left a note on the stairs asking that her children not be let in the room with her body and “daddy loves you”... yet he destroyed their lives.

Ride #276 for Grace Millane murdered and her body left at the side of a busy road while backpacking in New Zealand. A man has been charged with her murder. The man’s team mates said he was “creepy”. It is suspected he lured her into a date on a website

Ride #277 for Natalie Connolly killed by her boyfriend who inserted a bottle of carpet cleaner inside her and twisted it to remove it. He did not call for help as she bled to death in a coma. I hope she passed out and I hope he never sleeps again.

Ride #278 for Sally Cavender. Her partner broke her spine and multiple ribs and also caused a brain injury. He claimed they were just having sex. He lied. “Sex gone wrong” is a lie. It’s men gone wrong. It’s men’s violence against women. And it’s wrong.

Ride #279 for Poppy-Devey Waterhouse who was incredibly bright with a tremendous future ahead of her. Stabbed 20 times by her jealous ex boyfriend who couldn’t come to terms with her ending the relationship.

Ride #280 for Sheila Small battered to death by her husband with a rolling pin. She had a broken shoulder blade, collar bone, ribs, finger and bruises all over her body. He lied when the police came. They always lie. If a woman asks for help believe her.

Ride#281 for Lana Owen who was strangled - her accused boyfriend died while awaiting trial. She told him she was leaving him 4 days before. He sent a message on FB to her new lover “you won’t see Lana again she’s dead”. Jealousy is no reason to kill women

Ride #282 for Marissa Aldrich murdered by her boyfriend who drowned her in a 10cm puddle. How hard he must have held her. How desperately she must have fought to stay alive. He had held a knife to her throat the day before.

Ride #283 for Joanne Gallacher stabbed 57 times by her partner. He had been released from hospital despite her expressed concerns about him. His plea was reduced to culpable homicide because “abnormality of the mind”. Murdering women is always abnormal

Ride #284 for Carole Forth a police officer who was murdered on 23rd December last year. Her partner charged with her murder. Looking at Xmas lights going up today on my ride and thought .... men will drink, women will be murdered. Yes - I think that way.

Ride #285 for Parwin Quriashi whose husband murdered her on Christmas Day stabbing her 38 times in her head, face, chest and thighs. He also strangled her. She was 19 and had been accepted to study Law at university.

An extra ride #286 for Amanda Champion who was brutally murdered in 2003 by James Ford who is now hailed as a “hero” after #LondonBridgeAttack ...he strangled disabled Amanda and slit her throat. He was on day release from a life sentence. He is not a hero.

Ride #287 for Angela Mittal whose husband stabbed her 59 times. The 1st knife broke. So he fetched another. He said “She was going to leave me. I couldn’t let that happen”. Abusers feel they own women... forever. Women need massive help escaping them

Ride #288 for June Jones who was strangled +stabbed multiple times in the neck and chest by her ex partner who left her wrapped in a rug in her own bathtub. He left a knife on top of her. She was found approx 21 days later after sister reported her missing

Ride #289 for Charlotte Huggins whose ex boyfriend stabbed her in the back. A few days earlier he held a knife to her stomach. She called him a nutcase. If men get knives out ...they mean it. They know what they’re doing. He was jealous of her new start

Ride #290 for Jay Edmunds who was burned to death in her own home with a friend by an ex partner who returned after planning and buying petrol, a knife, waterproof matches. He was determined. She hoped for a new life and he killed them all.

Ride #291 for 76 yr old Sandy Seagrave who died 2 days ago trying to save the life of a woman named only “Amy” so far..being attacked in the street by an ex partner. Sandy was bludgeoned to death with her own walking stick and “Amy” died too. Salute Sandy.

Ride #292 for Amy Appleton who was murdered on 22nd Dec 2019. A man “known to her” has been arrested but is in hospital. Sandy Seagrave a neighbour had come to her aid but was also beaten to death. This is not an “isolated incident” as police report.

Ride #293 for Simbiso Aretha Moula who was murdered by “compression to the neck” in her sofa before the suspected murderer - her husband - hung himself. Never first. These abusive and cowardly men always take the beautiful woman’s life first.

Ride #295 for Asma Begum whose husband stabbed her 58 times until shards of the blade of his knife broke off in her face such was the ferocity. He wanted £200 for gambling. Murderous men always want something. Usually the death of a woman.

Ride #296 for Luz Margory Isaza Villegas who was beaten, strangled, shoved in a suitcase and burned by her obsessive, jealous husband.

Ride #297 for Alison Hunt whose obsessive ex partner stabbed her 18 times in the head, chest and neck after knocking at her door. Her daughter was asleep upstairs. She bled to death on her own doorstep. He was already with another woman - no more I hope.

Ride #298 for Christy Walshe whose ex boyfriend shot her dead - in the face. That takes some enormous hatred of a woman. Men who abuse women hate them hard. He also shot himself. But not with enough commitment sadly. He will serve 26 yrs minimum

Ride #299 for Mary Annie Sowerby who was devoted to her son. Nevertheless he took a large kitchen knife and stabbed her to death as she watched television in a brutal attack. Poor Annie. The most horrific betrayal

Ride #300 for Maggie Smythe whose ex partner murdered her and then enlisted his brother to help him dismember her body and leave her under rubble. Her head has never been found

Ride #301 for Mary Page killed by her son who was annoyed because she was drunk. He kicked her in the face and then beat her with a bedside table. He pleaded guilty to manslaughter and it was accepted.

Ride #302 for Rosie Darbyshire whose boyfriend hit her 50+ times with a crowbar. Her family were worried about him so she made an application to police to see if he had history of violence. He did but they hadn’t told her when he killed her 11 days later.

Ride #303 for Aliny Mendes whose ex husband stabbed her repeatedly in the street in front of her 3 yr old daughter. She died as female friends watched. She was on her way to pick up her other 3 children from school. She’d said he would come for her + he did

Ride #304 for Sarah Henshaw whose ex partner hit her repeatedly with a claw hammer and then strangled her with a vacuum cleaner cord while she was still conscious. He left the cord round her neck and threw himself off a bridge but lived.

Ride #305 for Dorothy Bowyer stabbed to death by her Grandson including 5 wounds to her chest and one to her mouth. He shouted “she’s a witch, she’s a witch”. This isn’t illness it’s misogyny. He also stabbed her mountain rescue dog.

Ride #306 for Elize Stevens whose partner stabbed her 86 times because he feared she would leave him. It is never ok to ask “why doesn’t she just leave” .... this is all the answers

Ride #307 for Laureline Garcia-Bertaux whose ex-partner strangled her to death then went to buy an axe and bags to dispose of her body which was found naked, bound and wrapped in bin bags in a shallow grave. He then lied extensively and texted her friends.

Ride #308 for Giselle-Marimon-Herrera whose ex partner strangled and suffocated her to death. He also raped and murdered her 15 yr old daughter Allison. He even killed their dog. Then hung himself. I hope Giselle didn’t know about Allison

Ride #309 for Allison Marrimon-Herrera who was strangled, suffocated and raped by her mother’s boyfriend. He also murdered and sexually assaulted her mother Giselle who had tried to end the relationship. He killed their dog. He wiped their mobiles of texts

Ride #310 for Dr Joan Francisco at the request of her friend. The brilliant and successful Joan was strangled by her obsessive ex boyfriend in 1994 and her loved ones had to fight for 5 years to bring him to justice. They never gave up

Ride #311 for Rachel Evans stabbed more than a hundred times by her ex partner who was jealous, controlling and sexually humiliated and controlled her. He stabbed her more than 100 times including many times in her breasts.

Ride #312 for Alison McKenzie - stabbed to death by her son who had previously tried to kill her. He was a paranoid schizophrenic. Imagine the pain of her life loving him and fearing him. Only for him to murder her.

Ride #313 for Janette Dunbavand age 84 whose husband shot her and then shot himself. She had dementia and he decided he couldn’t cope. Men don’t get to “decide” it’s time for women to die. She did not consent to be murdered

Ride #314 for Barbara Heywood aged 80. Her husband stabbed her many times and told police “she’s been a bad woman and I just want you to take her away”. You were a good woman Barbara Heywood - let that be recorded here

Ride #315 for Paula Meadows aged 83 whose husband murdered her then killed himself because she had dementia. He didn’t have a right to make that decision for her. The press focused on him because wealthy Concorde pilot and they were wealthy. Still a murderer

Ride #316 for Anna Reed whose boyfriend strangled her and her body was covered in many cuts and fractures. He claimed “sex game gone wrong”. He is charged with murder. It’s always murder not a game if you kill a woman.

Ride #317 for Sarah Fuller whose boyfriend strangled her to death after a night out. She had texted her friend to say “Hun everything is ok” just before he killed her. Women often don’t know the imminent danger of an abusive man. That isn’t their fault

Ride #318 for Siama Riaz whose jealous husband stabbed her 75 times. One knife broke so he used 3 more. He had tried to behead her and cut off her hand. She had been trying desperately to escape his abuse. His family had interrogated her before her murder

Ride #319 for Sammy-Lee Lodwig whose “boyfriend” slashed her throat and stabbed her in the chest deep enough to enter her lungs after gagging her and tying her up. He’d previously dated her mother. Brutal man ripping through the lives of women.

Ride #320 for Amy Parsons viciously murdered by her trans partner because she did not want sex with him whilst he was dressed in women’s underwear. She intended to leave him which made him angry. He beat her repeatedly with an iron bar as she showered

Ride #321 for Lauren Griffiths sho was found dead at her flat. Her boyfriend is awaiting trial. She was only 21. Almost her whole adult life stolen.

Ride #322 for Debbie Searle at the request of her sister @SPSehmi . Debbie was stabbed to death by her violent, abusive husband as she tried to escape him to go to stay at her father’s house. The family still feel deep pain and my heart goes out to them.

Ride #323 for Joanne Hamer. Her husband is accused of her murder but still awaiting trial due to Covid 19. Many murdered women’s families are still waiting for justice. It is an agonising wait. They really want their loved woman back.

Ride #324 for Mavis Long strangled by her husband of 57 years. He said “I started shaking her to try and make her see sense.” He did this until she was dead. Men who think women are wrong are not allowed to kill them

Ride #325 for Tatiana Koudriavsteva whose son stabbed her in the neck repeatedly with a hunting knife because he felt she wasn't caring for his dog enough. She told a friend she wasn't allowed to open a window in case the dog got cold.

Ride #326 for Jayde Hall whose ex partner stabbed her to death days after she told him to leave. He had been jealous of her going out with friends and accused her of an affair. Lots of abusers use this excuse for insane control.

Ride #327 for Elizabeth McShane suspected murdered by her partner who had just moved in. The cowardly suspected murderer killed himself afterwards. Her 11 year old daughter returned from a friends and found her mother murdered.

Ride #328 for Louella Fletcher-Michie who died after being given drugs by her boyfriend who filmed her ing instead of summoning help. He was originally convicted of manslaughter. This was overturned on appeal. I rode to honour her life because the courts did not.

Ride #329 for Linda Treeby murdered by her partner on her 64th birthday. He smashed her in the face with an ashtray. She had 34 separate injuries.

Ride #330 for Regan Tierney. After suffering years of domestic abuse at the hands of her partner he stabbed her to death. He had "struggled to accept their relationship had ended" She had called police who failed to attend.

Ride #331 Neomi Smith whose partner stabbed her 32 times, choked her and beat her. He was jealous of her dancing with another man. He had a prior conviction for domestic abuse and previous allegations from other ex partners

Ride #332 for Safie Xheta whose husband stabbed her to death. She suffered "cuts to her neck so deep that they almost decapitated her". She had confided in her friend just a month before when he blackened her eye.

Ride #333 for Lucy Rushton murdered by her jealous and abusive husband who had punched, kicked and stamped on her half naked body before stabbing her 37 times. He tried to make her swallow her wedding ring.

Ride #334 for Kelly Fauvrelle and her unborn baby Riley. Her ex partner broke into her home and stabbed her 21 times. Her baby was delivered after her death but later died. Her parents woke to hear her screaming and tried to save her.

Ride #335 for Carol Milne found dead and her 24 year old son charged with her murder.

Ride #336 for Layla Arizona killed by her son who slashed her and her husband's throat as they slept.

Ride #337 for Claire Parry killed by her police officer boyfriend who used severe compression to her neck with significant force for a prolonged period resulting in brain damage. He got away with a sentence for manslaughter.

Ride #338 for Doreen Virgo was murdered by her husband who had tried rat poison, hitting her with a shower head and finally strangling her.

Ride #339 for Diane Dyer. She was targeted by a man who lured her into a relationship after meeting her walking her dog. She became withdrawn. He punched, stamped and strangled her to death 3 months later with 71 separate injuries to her body.

Ride #340 for Kayleigh Hanks strangled to death by her violent partner in the room where the baby slept. He had previously strangled two other women. Much was made at trial about their "toxic relationship". Rubbish. Only one of them murdered and only one of them died.

Ride #341 for Dr Leela Monti murdered by her son. He had lured her to his room for "a surprise" but then suffocated her with an oven glove and strangled her. He also killed her partner.

Ride #342 for Pamela Mellor. Her boyfriend was found guilty of "unlawfully killing" her. She had blows to the head and face and had been strangled because he was jealous. He was "unfit to stand trial". He was unfit to be around women.

Ride #343 for Linda Vilika stabbed to death by her controlling, abusive husband. She was trying to leave him. He lured her to be alone with him then killed her.

Ride #344 for Rebecca Simpson - killed by her partner who pushed her against the wall before she fell to her death down the stairs. He got 5 years for manslaughter.

Ride #345 for Alice Farquharson murdered by her husband who suffocated her after she asked if he loved her. What a terrible answer she got. He was a retired police officer and had been demoted for sending sleazy messages to female colleagues.

Ride #346 for Laura Rakstelyte stabbed to death by her ex boyfriend who then stabbed himself. They never go first. He must have hated himself .. but not as much as he hated Laura so he had to take her with him. I loathe these cowardly thieves of women’s lives

Ride #347 for Janet Lewis. Her husband took 5 kitchen knives and a mallet to the bedroom and hit her thinking he had killed her. She crawled to the landing and he stabbed her repeatedly severing her carotid artery. He was frightened about her having a stroke. That isn't what Janet was afraid of.

Ride #348 for Marlene McCabe murdered by her grandson. Marlene had pleaded for help from mental health services for him before he punched her to death.

Ride #349 for Lana Nemceva murdered by her husband as her 2 yr old son slept. He was unhappy about their mother coming to stay with them. He was determined to keep Lana and her mother apart and he chose the cruellest way. He then hung himself.

Ride #350 for Bethany Fields stabbed to death in the street by her controlling ex boyfriend in front of her current boyfriend. She had been to the police about his threats many times in the previous months and he had a record of similar abuse in past relationships.

Ride #351 for Cristina Ortiz Lozano who was stabbed in a ferocious knife attack by her ex who stalked her on a date with another man and followed her home to kill her.

Ride #352 for Emily Goodman who was murdered by her partner who then threw himself out of the window. SHe was found with a kitchen knife in her neck. He had already been chargedwith assaulting her and she told police the incidents "blurred into one".

Ride #353 for Katrina Fletcher who died of head injuries after her partner shoved her against a wall. He had two previous convictions for assaulting her and a caution for domestic violence. Clearly cautions don't work in men who choose to hurt women.

Ride #354 for Arlene Williams stabbed to death by her son.

Ride #355 for Suvekshya Burathoki who was stabbed to death by her ex partner in front of her 3 children. He cleaned the knife of her blood on the coat of the 3 year old girl who was also his own daughter. I hope he never feels clean of her blood.

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